Our Covid-19 Response to protect you and our staff
As details and precautions related to COVID-19 continue to evolve, we want you to know we are committed to working diligently to protect you and our staff while still carrying out our project commitments.
Safety precautions we have implemented:
We are now offering initial consultations over the phone or video conferencing
Our staff are required to do health evaluations before entering your home. We will also confirm that you and other members of the household are well and that they have not traveled outside of Canada in the past 14 days.
We will give you a smile instead of shaking hands
We are practicing social distancing with a space of 2 m between you and our staff.
We will disinfect high-touch areas before and after working in your home, including light switches, doorknobs and more
We will wash our hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering your home and wash mindfully while on a project
Tools used on the job site will be cleaned
We limit the number of people working on the job site
Our office hours have been reduced to 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Monday to Friday.
Your project manager is available from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm via phone call if not on the job site.
We have our construction crews organized into specific teams who can interact regularly without wearing a mask or staying 2 m apart from each other. Therefore, we ask that while on the job please notify our staff when you are entering the same room so they can put on a mask if you are less than 2 m apart or in a poorly ventilated location.
If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.